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Selectmen's Minutes January 28, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
January 28, 2003

PRESENT:  Chairman Theodore Bailey, Selectman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold, Office Assistant Lisa Stevens, and Administrative Assistant Judy Kenneally via telephone.

Chairman Bailey called the Board Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


Chairman Bailey asked Judy if there was a response back from Attorney Goldman regarding the Flanders property.  She stated not yet, however she has been contacted by a representative for the family who indicated they are working with the family to pay back the taxes owed.


Subject: Fire Department

Present: Chief John Prickett

The chief submitted his information for the annual town report and discussed his submittal of two proposed warrant articles; one for purchasing semi-automatic defibrillators as part of a “Rapid-Zap” program and the other is for an emergency back-up generator incorporating funding through an Emergency Management Grant awarded to the Chichester Fire-Rescue Department.  The Chief further explained that this is a 75%-25% matching grant and Chichester’s responsibility totals $3600(thirty-six hundred dollars).  Chief also mentioned the extraordinary efforts of all involved in last night’s rescue of  a three and four year old lost in the woods.  The Board extended its deep appreciation to the Fire-Rescue and Police Departments for a job well done.

Subject:   Wolf Appeal  

Present: Andrea Lewy, Avitar Associates of N.E., Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Wolf are appealing their land value on 24 Harvest Road.  Their case is pending before BTLA.  Ms. Lewy was asked to explain her recommendations stated in her letter to the board dated December 9, 2002.  By a vote of 3-0, the Board agreed to Option #2, reducing the land value by 5%.  Ms. Lewy will write a letter to Mr. & Mrs. Wolf to that effect. Ms. Lewy also updated the board on the terrific response from taxpayers regarding the recent mailing from Avitar.  Extra days were needed to accommodate all the appointments. This was at no extra cost to the town.  Also, all revaluation work is contracted to be complete by September 30,2003.  Ms. Lewy encourages all taxpayers to come in and review their assessment card.   
Subject:  2003 Proposed Budget and The Capital Improvement Plan  

Present: Members- Marie McKay, Walter Sanborn, Stephen MacCleery, Joanna McIntosh and John Martell

Budget changes were discussed first.  Line #4150-02-tax collector’s fees-2002 expenditure amount should be $3,500.

Line #4155-01-health insurance-2003 proposed amount decreased due to an employee not requiring health insurance.

An new line; #4155-5-supplemental insurance will be added in case employees take advantage of insurance through AFLAC (there is no cost to the town) this is for automatic payroll deductions.

Line #4194-04-grounds maintenance-2003 proposed includes the $500 cost to mow the field on the 31 acre parcel of land on Main Street.

Line #4196-02-insurance deductibles-this line was inadvertently omitted; now it’s put back in.  The town’s deductible is $1000.
Line #4445-02-welfare-vendor payments; after some discussion it was decided to keep this amount at $13,000.

Line #4589-01-OHD expenses-after discussion regarding whether or not the 2003 proposed amount was a budget request from the Old Home Days Committee (it was not) this line was decreased to $1,000.    The 2002 amount of $2,000 was due to the cost of fireworks for the 275th Anniversary Celebration. Judy will notify the OHD Committee of this change.  Judy asked Walter to pass along to the committee that they have a mailbox out in the alcove.

At 8:30pm discussion moved on to the Capital Improvement Plan.

Most of the discussion centered on whether the CIP was itself a warrant article or just a planning tool.  The budget committee feels this is a plan only, if the department wants an item listed on the CIP they need to submit a warrant article to spend that money from their Capital Reserve Fund.

Proposed amounts for the Capital Reserve Funds were looked at individually. The only amount changed was to Town Roads; increased to $75,000. It was noted that there is no surplus to take from this year, so all will need to be raised through taxation.

Vote 7-Yay; 1- No, the total appropriations for Capital Reserve Funds for 2003 shall be $147,000.   

Due to the lateness of the hour, it was decided to reschedule the budget committee for Tuesday, February 4, 2003, 8pm, to discuss the proposed warrant articles.

Lisa reminded the body that the Public Hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, February 11, 2003 at 7pm.

General Business:

Richard DeBold brought to the attention of the board the town’s past commitment as made under a 1994 Slope Release Agreement on his property located at 49 Staniels Road, to pay for the items listed in Attachment A of the above mentioned agreement.   The highway department will be responsible for purchasing the items or reimbursement for the items, the cost coming out of their 2003 budget.
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Judy let the board know she has contacted IMARK in Concord for a software package proposal.

Richard asked about the printing of the town report.  Lisa will contact Granite Imaging and confirm for this year.

In reviewing the request from the Fire Department regarding a warrant article for a used heavy rescue truck it was noted the amount to come out of capital reserve money did not match what was shown to be in the account.  Selectman DeBold will contact the chief to clarify and to let him know the board was in favor of supporting the additional monies needed.

The minutes of January 21, 2003 were approved as corrected.

The times of 10:00am – 7:00pm were set for polls to be open on election day, Tuesday March 11, 2003 and further that the business session of town meeting begin at 10:00am Saturday March 15, 2003.

The proposal for the shade in the selectmen’s office was thought to be too costly.  Selectman Colbert will work on a solution to finding something appropriate and less costly.

The board signed an elderly tax deferral.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned by Chairman Bailey at 11:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Office Assistant

Theodore Bailey, Chairman
                                                                                Approved as Written     
David Colbert, Selectman

Richard DeBold, Selectman


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